Approximation session, increases abdominal discomfort and makes sure even colder. Awful Mathematics и история,лекторы которых решили провести зачет в форме экзамена.Каждый раз после фразы "зачет в форме эказмена".мне хочется кричать: "ААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААА......"
Horrible list of works of literature that I've always loved, has turned into my nightmare! Kosntruktsii intonation of speech and of the set new and unfamiliar to me sat down-material every day I'm trying to fix in his mozgu.Sessiya .... Nothing extraordinary, I can learn, the more my wits I always help out, but set off in the form ekzamena.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ... One lecturer devil in the flesh, and another wise guy who believes that the humanities have no place in Politehe.Togda that make the humanities at Saint Petersburg State University, who is famous for its MATMEHom where actually our teacher of mathematics? "just do something then its logic should operate for most universitetov.No in fact, it spread only to the group in late December 1124 on classification of mathematics. Usually after such thoughts "I'm worried about the fate of humanity - in my face."
Session ....
As Andrei said Garoldovich Knyshev "May God damn it!".
Dai God, to surrender the session, dammit!
That's actually 5 stages of the condition of the student during the session
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