Sunday, December 2, 2007

How Can I Make Fabric To Look Like Wood

sappa @ 2007-12-02T22: 00:00

Because the record in ZhEKe passport office of the management company refuse me, my wife and [info] _gummy_ had to go to vote on Account. 2222 in the Trade Center. This is one of dvuk sites serving those who do not register. My fears were not justified and the people on this site does not look like homeless people, on the contrary - nadorod quietly and without nerves stands in line 40 minutes to write a statement ("Please make me enrolled to vote at your site due to ....") and vote. Of the minuses - stuffy and poorly organized (the application forms come to an end, it is unclear to a staff member of the site address - one does not serve non-resident, the other does not serve on absentee ...