man always attracted to him, if he knows how to smile properly and he was always accompanied udacha.Kak usually nothing not plan, I began today at 8 utra.V 8 am! eerie for me to figure, especially if you got into 6.Nu ie using the simplest mathematical calculation, I slept for two hours! It's horrible, but the exam was really very difficult and postpone textbooks were scared, but around 4 I did it, then insomnia and radio as a medicine but in the end saved me cookies and milk.
Today, probably the entire Polytechnic University, heard my cry of joy, and besides, many a good laugh on my shaman dance.
north of the city for me and is something that is not attractive when you left home wearing rubber boots and walked through the puddles with a satisfied smile, when suddenly came out at the other end of the Metro, you get into the country snegopada.Net well the difference of minus one or two degrees can not be such oschutimoy.No have to get used to it, especially considering the move.
I try not to offend the fate and always say thanks, but apparently I'm super lucky person. Today I was almost hit by a mashina.Bylo scary ... It was very scary ... I like people who can not tolerate all this home cooking, I love cook, but sometimes, the mood, and I am saving Chinese noodles from the prism, the way they are very tasty especially with soy sauce, vegetable salads and yogurt. But in the kitchen floor I put more laundry, good washing machine was invented, cleaning, vacuuming while I love, but the blockage on the table, it's a terrible time cleaning, plus the same ironing and all this, to live alone, like something is not cool at all. So, I like people who can not tolerate all this home cooking, with two heavy packets crossing the road, well, that's somewhere in the 6 o'clock in the evening, considering my sleepy time and how much I could do for the day, I barely moved her legs, but the green light gorel.I corner of my eye I saw zhvizhenie and bright headlights turned her head, and I have all snapped inside. I'm always the first to cry in any action: "Well that he hatched a car, would have already run off the road could! "And it's not true, I would have been able to in my comments, but no. There was a terrible accident, because other machines have moved forward and, in principle, rescued menya.Ne know that this was a thug, but he clearly broke the rules and if not for a stream of cars that have moved forward before his povorata, then probably I would not now eating a sandwich of cheese baguette with cucumber, tomato and ham. A very scary feeling when you turn and see the lights car and you realize that it is on you edit.Na second I thought that was the end. All my insides somewhere at the bottom, as in amusement, "Leisure fall, after a clash of machinery, I continued to stand on the road and look in the direction where recently for me there are only two bright fary.Bylo difficult to collect myself, in me there was no happiness, no thanks, no desire Engine dalshe.Vo I had nothing. Some waste state after a dose of fear. Frankly, I do not understand who someone vrezalsya.Menya arm grandmother was dergat.I ochnulas.Ona I probably scared of me all the time again, that I myself lucky. My grandmother was somewhere behind me when the car is twisted and apparently saw avariyu.Obychno young grandmothers helps, but then my grandmother I have to tratuara elbow kept all her words of thanks to God I can hear in his sleep, turning, I saw three cars collided with each other, the one that I just do not hit, crashing into the side of the one that drove the green light and that that backlog, neighboring. People ran out of the car and the words of my grandmother went through all eto.Ya came home, threw all the food and byt.himiyu on the floor, the severity of which I had not even noticed Pauls road and sitting in the hallway, crying. I have never been so scared.
Как-то все хорошие впечатления за день померкли, все все стерлось с этим происшествием.А утром день казался обычным,не считая экзамена, как всегда house and no planning, just as I love you. I'm always for adventure and unpredictability, spontaneity and boldness. This case is somehow knocked me out of myself, but I have none not told about her peredazirovki strahom.Vot, expanding the purchase and made himself a sandwich, I put the movie on the download and decided to Learn to visit my mother calls did not dare-you do not want to scare. One crying and all those feelings went away with tears.
And this day will still come to the concept of fine days when I'm smiling all the passers-by the way, I even flirt with the waiter, he gave me a Swedish flag, but we just decided to go for lunch at Ikea, again so went to Megu, and flags only in the meatballs are nasty stick, and I put in the cake, even for two, I ulabalas and said thank you very much, and I answered "a lot please"
Yes, by the way, the Mega-Parnas better, there is little people can not stand the crowds. Keep osvaevat new area, new to menya.Ochen travel far to ikeevskom bus, but still won the distance of the people. I am probably two weeks ago was in the Gallery there zdorovo.Mnogo places, and beautiful Christmas tree of lights at the entrance, "two sticks" is, I'm there so obelas.Ya ate noodles and three full roll, I have three roll without noodles are not never eat, and then three portions of the rolls, not piecemeal, as much and more noodles. Last time I frequented the sushi. And lately I've become a glutton.
This day I would call "miraculous", and here the main word semantics. Were wonderful: full of laughter and fun moments. And the traffic situation has become for me a miracle. Every day - it's a different day.
with a session I forget to write about their mezhekzamitsionnyh attacks, but still notes appear with a rare frequency, but with great content)))
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