And I'm in love, you know?
I love France, I eat french baguettes, watching French movies, I teach the French language, on the phone in my French dictionary, in my ears playing music en fransais, and on the underwear of I have the flag of France.
And those who do not like France because I love, still fall in love with the film "Micmacs à tire-larigot". In Russian sounding like "Neydachniki. Remarkable a comedy by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, published in 2009. But Danny Boone, by the way, just handsome.
Parlez-vous fransais?
p / s / and 26 issue of "life Juliania Lazarevskaya, you read it? But Old Russian literature, it is generally interesting, I'll tell you, I have all the summaries in the top to the bottom and Theodosius of the Caves to me as something fun to live. A post-reform style and up to the 75 questions the way becomes easier, but easier on much as it becomes easier to blink after loss of a single cilium. "Such cases, Aeschylus killed the turtle, which fell on his head. Jean-Baptiste Lully earned gangrene beating time. Frederick Barbarossa had forgotten to remove the armor, crossing the stream, and I stupidly die of fear "
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