Already as many as three days, I enjoy freedom. Already a three-day closed sessiya.Da, final exam disappoint, as if I podkachala.A so there was, as he said My friend, the Golden Session. But anything 4 it is "good." It's so nice to feel that you do not need to teach the tickets, read Daniel the Exile and the old Russian style company, not should he studied books and not have to look at colorful stickers right questions. You feel somehow rejuvenated or something.
I went to visit the school was so much fun again to walk on stairs where you could not walk, to stand before the mirror in the bathroom, sit on the couch, heard a call and see the guys from the canteen run by uroki.U all in school and other concerns when you come, you're all excited, everyone hugs and kisses you, you smile and do not know at what question to answer first, so just say you want, but obtained only a smile. Kindest smile, that you only have in their stock ... I ulybok.Shkola I can not say that I miss and want to return, left the school in the past, but I remember those happy years, and enjoy their rare visits. The school is like another mir.Smeshno, because not long ago it was my world.
During these three days so I could vsego.Esli all described in detail, it will come walking, incidentally is very popular flourishing genre of Kievan Rus. For three days I slept in the amount of 16 hours, said the surrender of the session, go to the cheesecake, played enough snowballs, and snow, I had and a jacket and pants and a near ski boots, I also stuffed a chocolate salad (whose ingredients: shredded Mars, Twix, Snickers and scattered top jelly bears) , died with laughter at the pancake party where we served pancakes in the shape of roses, I also played in the katana, a board game, which I each gave, I really forgot all the rules and we came up with their finding, because German is very complex language, everything was insanely funny, even during these three days I managed to push the car because we Egor, stuck in the courtyard Dybenko, it was very funny, I did not move the car an inch, in the end we came through raznoschiku pizza - he pushed us, yet we ran out of gas and since I spent money Yegor at McDonalds, then filling the remaining 100 p. (of which 20 little things) and funniest phrase these days: "You can please the 80 th for a hundred rubles, five liters of the cheapest gasoline we got. Those days are gone under the theme "adventure-adventure-adventure" And I can say this to me often.
in recent days on the street so wonderful, I especially did not swear on the weather, but summer is still more lyublyu.Poslednie days please me, nice to go out doma.Solntse, light frost, snow crunches underfoot, snowflakes shimmer, and all the stuff is light, it seems that the sun is everywhere, on sky, in the snowdrifts and your serdtse.Vse so warm and beautiful.
odnogrupnitsa recently sent a video and I thought very good and sweet scene. I watched this video somewhere six months ago, maybe even more. Then I sent him my friend and we decided to repeat what the heroes do clip. Here I am I remember how is Andrew Molansky, friend, wanted to remind you about this , gives me a clothespin and we become the heroes of the clip. We cried and laughed, and when I looked again, this movie in my head there was this kartinka.A when there are pictures in my head, they are always painted in any color, and so This was a nice sunny color. How much trouble I would not, I'm still smiling.
Of course, I cry at times, but when the nose is stuffed up and my head ache from the tears, the best medicine or nose drops, and two tsitramona and smile. I've always becomes easier, if I find some little thing that helps me ulybnutsya.Vot this video. These were, when we stood with a pin on her nose and smiled.
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